New Moon - April 12th, 2021, 4:32 am Eggstätt, Bavaria
22° Aries = 22° ECL (ecliptic scale) placing the New Moon near the midpoint of the tether which connects the constellation of the Whales or Fishes.
A cycle of wholeness and coming together is precipitating this lunar month activated by being rooted simultaneously in the above and the below. Drawing these frequencies consciously and simultaneously into the midpoint of serenity held in the upper heart stabilizes, reinforces, and expands this space. Regardless of the insanity of external events, this expression once cultivated correctly is impenetrable, allowing wonder and creativity to erupt ecstatically, flowing within and without while weaving together the above and below into a single animating expression.
The new moon near the midpoint connecting the Whales or Fishes invites us to come into balance and harmony within ourselves in this life, in this moment, reestablishing our power sharing connection to Creation and Nature, the true nature of our creation! Recognizing this magnificent opportunity before us, we graciously accept the support being provided, and show up fully to effectuate our desired change in this life and in our communities. Living out and embodying our excellent and pure potential right here, right now, in every breath.
Confidence surges in knowing we are never alone in this endeavor, our allies; the Earth, Moon, and Sun offer a tremendous boost of support during this time, championing us in this moment to co create the optimal conditions for living out and mastering our Authentic Presence. The time has arrived to become our intention for Being.